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Personal Finance
in Community Education & Enrichment
"Cutting the Cord" - Getting TV & Phone Services Over the Internet
with National Digital Equity Center

Registration through the NDEC website is required, please register at the link here prior to class: "Cutting the Cord" - Getting TV & Phone Services Over the Internet
Learn how to use internet based television and phone services to save money.
Social Security 101
with Tyler Kretschmar

This presentation is an in-depth review at Social Security as a retirement benefit. Who is eligible and when you are eligible. We will go over how to sign up for SS retirement benefits, benefit eligibility, ways to maximize your social security benefits, ideal time to collect, and rights and options.
Planning and Paying for College
with FAME Maine

Do you have children who will be looking at collegein the next few years or might you be thinking of returning to school yourself? Now is a great time to start thinking about the college financial aid process and ways to boost college savings. The earlier you start, the more confident and relaxed you will feelwhen it is time to apply for financial aid. Join Michelle Radley, College Access Counselor with the Finance Authority of Maine for this 1-hour online workshop as we talk all things paying for college. Presenter: Michelle Radley
The Basic Principles of Finance
with Lester Hochberg

This class begins with a primer on the basic principles of budgeting, bank accounts, and credit card use. If time allows, we will also cover retirement planning, investing surplus funds, and Social Security and Medicare planning issues for those approaching retirement. The needs of the group will direct this course. All attendees will be encouraged to discuss the real-life problems that may be present in their lives and explore ways of resolving those issues.
Estate Planning – Prepare for the Uncertainties of Life and Revocable Trusts & Irrevocable Trusts – Are They Right for You?
with Kathryn Bedell

This class will begin with an overview of basic estate planning, including Wills, Powers of Attorney, Health Care Directives, etc. The class will then delve into, learning how revocable trusts can help avoid probate and protect your privacy, and how irrevocable trusts can protect your assets from a nursing home or Maine Care (Medicaid) liens. The discussion will include other strategies to safeguard assets from life events such as business failure or divorce of adult children.
Kathryn Bedell is a lawyer in York, Maine, and has been practicing for 31 years. Her practice focuses on estate planning, asset preservation, and probate matters.