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Our Classes
HiSET (Formally GED) Prep Classes
with Rita Pender
Start anytime. Evening and/or daytime classes are available.
Meet with math and English teachers to prepare you to take and pass the 5 exams of the HiSET equivalency diploma.
Basic Reading and Writing for Adults
with Rita Pender
Start anytime. Improve your reading and/or writing skills. Daytime or evening tutoring available.
College & Career Advising
with Marci Dionne
Are you thinking about making a change in your job or career? Are you considering going back to school to further your training or education, but are not sure of your options? Our college and career advisor can meet with you to complete career assessments, explore options that fit your needs, and make a plan to help you reach your goal. Get side by side support with applying for financial aid and scholarships, placement in workforce training programs, resume writing, and interview skills. Additionally, basic Math, Algebra, and English courses are available, if needed, to help you improve your core skills. We’re here to assist you with your transition to a new job or training program.
Call to schedule a day or evening appointment.
Winter Hike at Tuckahoe Preserve
with Mike Wright
Join Board member, Mike Wright for a winter hike/xc ski or snowshoe at Tuckahoe Preserve in Berwick, ME. All hikes are open to the public and free of charge to GWRLT members. $5 donation per person or $10 donation per family is suggested for non-members. Paid at hike location.
Practical ChatGPT Training for Everyone
with Nickie Welsh
Have you been curious about what ChatGPT is exactly and how it can be used? Join our fun and engaging class to learneverything you need to know about ChatGPT powered by Artificial Intelligence. Understand how it works and why it's takingthe world by storm. You'll explore practical everyday uses for ChatGPT in both the workforce and at home, ensuring you stayin the loop when ChatGPT is mentioned in conversations and on the news. Don't get left behind in today's tech-savvy world—attend this essential training today!
Tai Chi
with Dianne Mros
Practice Slow movements to help relieve tension, improve balance, and promote overall fitness. Develop breathing techniques to promote calmness and beneficial energy levels. Sessions are taught separately, with no prior experience required.
with Vicky Vaughn
Have you always wanted to learn how to knit? Or has it been a long time since you've picked up the needles? Maybe you're stuck on a project. Join us in a relaxed and fun atmosphere! You'll learn how to cast on, knit and purl, read a pattern, as well as repair mistakes in an easy-going class. It's fun to be part of a creative community. All levels are welcome. You'll need a skein of light-colored Red Heart Worsted Weight yarn and a pair of size needles (size 7 or 8 is best). Other small supplies will be discussed. Get ready to learn how to make all kinds of items suitable for gift-giving. One of Vicky’s favorite patterns is a dead fish hat which she is happy to share. Get ready to laugh with Vicky, she certainly makes knitting fun. Sessions are taught separately, with no prior experience required.
Stone and Sea Glass Wire Wrapping
with Linda Greer
Design and create your earrings, pendent, or keychain by learning the art of wire wrapping. The instructor will demonstrate various techniques used in making the jewelry pieces. Small wrapping tools and 22” gauge wire is used in this process. Bring your sea glass or stones and use your small tools or use the instructors.
Material Fee: $ 10 paid to instructor at class