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Business Training
in Business & Skills Training
Basic Computer Skills - Digital Literacy Micro Credentials
with Marci Dionne
Earn certificates in the areas that are important to you for daily life, employment, or higher education. Choose the lessons and assessments you want to learn: basic computer skills, internet basics, Windows 10, Microsoft Word Office 2016, Excel, Mac OS, Using Email, Google Docs, PowerPoint, Your Digital Footprint, Supporting K-12 Learning, and/or Information Literacy.
Choose a day/time that works for you. Enroll anytime.
Free to eligible adult education students or $70.00
York County Community College Info Night
with Sarah Bachand
Whether a degree or certificate program, free certified real-world training or high-school opportunities, York County Community College has the answers to your needs AND your future! Come learn about FREE COLLEGE (covers tuition and fees only) for recent HiSET and high school grads and our fully funded short-term Workforce Trainings.
Intro to Google Docs and Drives
with Nicole Moran
Two of the great benefits to your Google account are Google Drive and Google Docs. Google Drive is free cloud storage and Google Docs is Google’s free alternative to MS Word. In this class you willlearn how to store and manage your files online as well as use the Google Docs platform where youcan create stunning documents.
Please attend all 3 classes: April 9 @ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
April 16 @ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
April 30 @ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Please use this link to register for the class:
Intermediate MS EXCEL
with Marci Gaglione
Take your EXCEL skills to the next level. We will learn about tables, charts, data analysis, sorting, formulas and functions as well as pivot tables.
This course is held on three consecutive Wednesdays, please attend all three.
This class is free for Maine residents, the non-resident fee is $50
Please Register at the link below! You will be redirected to the National Digital Equity Center website.
Math Tutoring for Life/Work/College
with Wanda Kezar
Variable times to fit your schedule, start anytime.
Rise Up Retail Credential
with National Retail Federation
These 4 retail certifications designed by the National Retail Federation are offered in a blended learning format using an online platform and retail professionals. These courses offer career opportunities in partnership with Kittery Trading Post and other retailers who will pay for their employees to take the training. Eligible adult education students can take one r all four courses for free.
Choose from:
• Retail Fundamentals
• Customer Service and Sales
• Business of Retail: Operations and Profit
• Warehouse Inventory and Logistics
Open enrollment, sign up on the website or call for more information
The World of Work Inventory (WOWI)
with WOWI
The World of Work Inventory (WOWi) is a comprehensive career assessment instrument, which has been carefully constructed to help a person learn the most about him or herself in relation to the wide variety of occupations available. The WOWi provides a personalized profile for each person. As a result, you will receive a listing of occupations most suitable to your unique combination of personality, interests and skills.
Free, call for link to take the online assessment then meet with the career counselor to interpret the career reports.