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Our Classes
How To Use Venmo Safely!
with Nickie Welsh

Stay relevant and up to date by learning all about Venmo, the popular mobile payment service. In this class, you’ll discover how to securely pay friends and businesses, as well as receive money without the need for cash or checks. You’ll gain a confident understanding of setting up Venmo safely, avoiding unnecessary fees, and applying it in real-world scenarios for you and your family. You'll be able to discuss the topic among family, friends and have an understanding of the key terms used when you hear about VENMO in the news! Join us to master Venmo and handle mobile payments with ease and security
Winter Nature Hike at Orris Falls Conservation Area
with Sue Pike

Join GWRLT and Sue Pike for a winter nature walk at Orris Falls Conservation Area.
All hikes are open to the public and free of charge to GWRLT members. $5 donation per person or $10 donation per family is suggested for non-members. Paid at hike location.
Instant Piano for Hopelessly Busy People
with Craig Coffman

Learn to play piano the way professionals do-using chords. Since this class is being held online with ZOOM you will be able to sit at your piano or keyboard at home and take this course with no pressure at all. Online book and online follow up video lessons included.
Instant Guitar for Hopelessly Busy People
with Craig Coffman

This crash course will teach you some basic chords and get you playing along with your favorite songs right away. Since this class is being held online with ZOOM you will be able to sit at home with your guitar and take this class without any pressure at all. Online book and online follow-up video lessons included
Hike Snowshoe at Beaver Dam Heath
with Mike Wright

Join GWRLT for a hike/snowshoe onto the wetlands and the Heath. Meet at the Grant’s Meadow Preserve parking area, off of Diamond Hill Road, just south of Old Sanford Road.
All hikes are open to the public and free of charge to GWRLT members. $5 donation per person or $10 donation per family is suggested for non-members. Paid at hike location.
Preserving & Cherishing Memories: an Introduction to Scrapbooking - Coffee Talk
with Wanda Kezar

Join us for an engaging Coffee Talk at Marshwood Adult and Community Education every other Monday! Discover topics that ignite your curiosity and foster meaningful connections with others.
Explore the basic techniques of arranging photos to tell a story in a creative and beautiful way. Rather than throw photos in a drawer or shoebox or slip them haphazardly in plastic in some kind of order or allow an online impersonal company to arrange and print them for you in a book, come and find out how to create a treasury of memories that will be meaningful for generations to come.
Parking instructions will be sent upon registration
How to Write Scenes that Grip Your Reader and Keep them Turning the Page - Class in Kittery
with Kate Johnson

A scene is a building block of your story, and its purpose is to advance the plot while also showcasing characters involved in a definitive point of tension that challenges them externally as well as internally. In this hands-on writing workshop, you’ll learn how to construct a scene that deeply engages the reader with the story so that they want to know what happens next (i.e. Keep Turning the Page). For fiction and memoir writers. All participants will be expected to submit at least 10 pages of a work-in-progress that will be workshopped by all members of the class. All genres are accepted, but please don’t submit offensive material. If you have questions about this, you can email the instructor. Max 6 students.
"Cutting the Cord" - Getting TV & Phone Services Over the Internet
with National Digital Equity Center

Registration through the NDEC website is required, please register at the link here prior to class: "Cutting the Cord" - Getting TV & Phone Services Over the Internet
Learn how to use internet based television and phone services to save money.